About Us

Our Mission

To make Employee Wellness significantly more effective and valuable for individuals and business.

Delivering a customised and comprehensive level of targeted benefits. Valued by individuals who can measure a positive and meaningful impact, while improving business performance and delivering a tangible return on Investment.

The Team

Often business leaders can be so focused on results and achieving goals, that we forget that it’s people who make success possible. No matter how large or small your team is, the wellness of your people directly impacts your results.

We formed Resonate Wellness because we feel passionately that the wellness budgets in many organisations have not and will not deliver the return they should. They should be measurable and resonate with business needs, as well as the mental and physical needs of the people involved.

People drive success, and the wellness of people will ensure the organisation remains healthy and operating to its utmost potential.

Mark & Dan as founders have experienced the positive impact of good organisational wellness, as well as the damage caused by organisations simply making resources available to employees on demand. This “Passive Wellness” provision is simply not enough today, and is often a waste of money or the wellness box simply ticked. We believe we can provide significantly better results by redirecting these budgets into a proactive wellness program that resonates with organisations and their people.

  • With over 35 years in the corporate world, Mark Lewis has commercial experience in large global organisations as well as start-ups internationally

    Mark is passionate about fostering innovation and delivering results that inspire people to perform and feel valued.

    He firmly believes in the potential of integrating wellness initiatives into the corporate structure, turning wellness into a business differentiator not only to retain and recruit, but to also contribute positively to business performance.

    Mark continues to be a vocal proponent of this change, influencing the corporate world to embrace a more holistic and human-centric approach to business development.

  • Dan Fallon, known for his exceptional journey as a veteran, clinical exercise specialist, and successful gym owner.

    His dedication to health and fitness is not just a profession, but a personal testament to the transformative power of exercise.

    Dan’s military background instilled in him the discipline and resilience that he now channels into his work, helping others achieve their fitness goals.

    As a clinical exercise specialist, Dan possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of physical fitness and the science behind it.

    This expertise has led him to author several impactful pieces, making him a recognised name in publications like Men’s Fitness.

    His writings often reflect his holistic approach to fitness, blending physical training with mental and emotional well-being.

    Dan’s journey is not just about personal achievements, but also about the countless lives he has touched through his work.

  • With over 10 years’ experience in the Music Business, successfully delivering numerous global #1 singles, albums and campaigns, 25 years in the Information Technology world, James Blandy has commercial experience in start-ups, SMBs to large global organisations.

    James is a “people’s person” and an acknowledged, trusted adviser. Due to his work ethic, he has had major successes within the corporate world, winning and engaging with some of the biggest global FTSE and Nasdac companies. James is passionate about delivering value, to help people and companies overcome their pains.

    He decided to partner Mark and Dan at Resonate, due to his beliefs in well-being and wellness within the workplace. This is particularly through his experience in working with corporations, where quite often he has found that employer’s attitude to mental health and physical wellbeing is not a priority, thus leading to companies experiencing poor employee performance, disillusionment and dissatisfaction.

    James has made wellness his mission and, like Mark and Dan, to embrace change and help the corporate world to move away from the same old “revolving door” problem. James believes strongly in investing in people, and thus creating a more stable, happy and productive work environment, where the employer has a much higher success rate of employee retainment.

Our partners include

Watt Bike




My Zone